Camera Calibration and 3D Reconstruction
def triangulation(kp1, kp2, T_1w, T_2w):
"""Triangulation to get 3D points
kp1 (Nx2): keypoint in view 1 (normalized)
kp2 (Nx2): keypoints in view 2 (normalized)
T_1w (4x4): pose of view 1 w.r.t i.e. T_1w (from w to 1)
T_2w (4x4): pose of view 2 w.r.t world, i.e. T_2w (from w to 2)
X (3xN): 3D coordinates of the keypoints w.r.t world coordinate
X1 (3xN): 3D coordinates of the keypoints w.r.t view1 coordinate
X2 (3xN): 3D coordinates of the keypoints w.r.t view2 coordinate
kp1_3D = np.ones((3, kp1.shape[0]))
kp2_3D = np.ones((3, kp2.shape[0]))
kp1_3D[0], kp1_3D[1] = kp1[:, 0].copy(), kp1[:, 1].copy()
kp2_3D[0], kp2_3D[1] = kp2[:, 0].copy(), kp2[:, 1].copy()
X = cv2.triangulatePoints(T_1w[:3], T_2w[:3], kp1_3D[:2], kp2_3D[:2])
X /= X[3]
X1 = T_1w[:3] @ X
X2 = T_2w[:3] @ X
return X[:3], X1, X2